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The Kind of Help Matters

When you're in career transition, sometimes the help you need involves more than the tactical. Resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profile, networking, interviewing can all be shown to you, but they can't be absorbed and performed with confidence without the proper mindset.


ACT Programs


The "ACT" in ACTion Career Services stands for our "Affirmative Career Transition" programs and services. All are designed to assist in your career and job search journey with an emphasis on supporting your emotional well being. If you're not sure what kind of support you're looking for, feel free to explore some supportive documents. They may help you with identifying some initial feelings you have about being "in transition" and give you some focus on where to apply your efforts.

Working Coffee

Grief and Coping


Losing your job can instill feelings of loss. Grieving is a natural reaction.


In this module, we review the 5 stages of grief, help you self-identify what you're feeling, tackle popular myths about grieving and provide coping strategies to assist in your recovery.

Communication Strategies


How do you tell your wife, your kids, your family and your friends you've lost your job? It can be an overwhelming prospect. But, if you can take control of the narrative, you'll lower your anxiety.


Learn how to handle “uncomfortable” or “emotionally triggering” conversations so you can be more effective in your job search activities.

The Power of Perspective


If you can control your perspective, you can change the narrative of your situation!


Open your mind to perceiving the world from a new angle and it will allow you to look at challenges as opportunities.

Conquering Fear


Most times, it's the only thing from stopping you from succeeding. Find out what your source of fear is and... how to overcome it!


Build an anxiety action plan, a fear ladder and learn the difference between a "fear" and a "phobia."

We Are Here For You!


Email us with any questions you may have about your transition journey or to find out how we can help.


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